February 07, 2014

It's Been A Long Time; Shouldn't Have Left You - Feb. 7, 2014

I'm alive!!! I've been MIA for awhile for many reasons but I wanted to check in and let my curly girls know that I'm still here! I have been blessed with other opportunities in the great Canadian North that have been taking up my time but I still love my hair blog with all my heart.

First off, thank you SO MUCH for reading my blog and supporting me in natural hair! It's a growing community and your support means the world to me! So, let's discuss my hair progress! Well, I still alternate between washing and conditioning my hair so that I don't dry out my hair. I do that about every 2 weeks. Over the Christmas break, I rediscovered twist and braid outs and became so pleased with the results that I've continued to do so. However, though twist and braid outs are meant to enhance curl patterns, I find that they don't do mine justice so I use them merely to stretch out my hair. I always get a nice, stretched out fro. As the week goes on, I apply some hair butter and get nice curl definition and amazing softness. This is my secret to being able to handle my hair at this length while aiding in the protection and growth. 

GROWTH UPDATE: My hair reaches my shoulders when it is sopping wet and I can FINALLY see my beautiful, unique, curltastic curl pattern! I don't know how to describe it in numbers or letters so I won't. My curls are like small, spiral springs and it's awesome! It is not, however, long enough to wear a fabulous wash and go but I predict that by May or June (my college graduation), I will be able to wear a perfectly curly wash and go! I'm still learning to love the twists and turns of my hair though. I don't really fuss with my hair because I have other things to do! But some of my foolproof hairdos include an afro with a headband or scarf, 2 or 4 puffs or a mega puff. I also like to twist the front of my hair like a crown for a cute Grecian style. 

My products have stayed the same as they work wonders for me (you can see them in my very first entries). I've started applying oil way more often to add soften and shine every few days. I've also started to DETANGLE my hair every time I wash and condition it. This had CHANGED my life. I'm finding that my hair is less tangly and easier to play with. When you have tightly coiled curls like mine, skipping the detangling process is a bg NO-NO! Kinky-Curly not Today Natural Detangler is one of THE BEST on the market for literally melting knots, creating slip and curl definition. The only downfall is that this detangler leaves annoying white residue so I always use it to detangle my hair, then wash it out thoroughly and apply my Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner to soften and hydrate. 

Other than that, life in the Northwest Territories is great! I hope to start posting more often so you can see my hair at its current length. Thanks again for supporting my blog and I send lots of love and blessings your way always!