Even though my journey has been short compared to some naturalistas, I've learned a lot in 9 months. Many of these lessons came from working at Honey Fig, some came from the natural hair blogs or Instagrammers I've been following but some have also come from my own experimentations & experiences. The following are some tips & tricks that may or may not help you but have helped me. Enjoy!
•PREVENT FRIZZ: After washing or conditioning, don't use a towel at all. I find that even a micro fibre towel dries my hair too much & causes frizz. Put one or two shower caps on your head, followed by a towel turban or regular towel. This will stop your hair from dropping everywhere but won't dry it up.
•TREATMENT: Mixing oils are a great way for maximum pre-poo treatments (I use Jojoba oil & Sweet Almond oil together).
•DETANGLING: Mixing your detangler (I use Kinky-Curly Knot Today) and rinse out conditioner (I use Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner) adds extra slip, softness & makes detangling an absolute breeze.
•EASY APPLICATION: Put your daily leave-in conditioner into a spray bottle for easier application. This is great especially for curlfriends with thick Afros as the nozzle gets the product all over the hair.
•PRODUCT APPLICATION: After shampooing or conditioning, apply your hair products to damp NOT soaking wet hair. The product will be absorbed more & you'll be able to smooth it through instead of ending up with sopping wet hands & wasted product.
•USING OIL: When you apply oil, don't be lazy! Do this before bed to help relax your head. Really massage the oil (gently) into your scalp and spread it root to ends. This will help with hair growth & proper distribution.
•DON'T BE LAZY: On the days when you're not styling with gel, apply a hair butter to your ends. On wet hair, apply a little extra leave-in conditioner to the ends. On dry hair, apply the butter from root to ends.
I'll be adding more to this list so stay tuned! Happy reading! :)
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