June 05, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me! - June 5, 2013

[ Rocking my signiture wash and go style; front is pulled back with floral ribbon (hidden by all those curls! ]
Good afternoon everyone!! I am extremely excited that I was able to see another day and birthday! I feel AMAZING! First and foremost, I want to sincerely and warmly thank each and every one of you wonderful readers for taking interest in my thoughts, opinions, words, pictures and hairstory. Thank you so much for following me via the various social networking sites, clicking on my blog entries on google, sharing my blog with your friends and family, and thank you for being YOU! I now have readers all over Canada, the US, Germany and Russia! What a great accomplishment after operating for only a few weeks now! I feel so great to be able to share my journey with such lovely readers. I also want to mention that I've come a LONG way; in life and in my hair journey! I've been many, many years in the making and I'm so glad that I am finally 100% comfortable, accepting, happy, confident...the list goes on...with myself. I've learned so much about myself, life, love and of course, my hair! This day marks more memories of laughter, joy and life changing events. I am proud of all my achievements, creations, failures, lessons and everything that makes me ME. I could go on and on about myself, and seeing as this is MY blog, that seems perfeectly reasonable, but I do have another blog entry waiting for you! Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for reading. I hope you all can take something from my tangles, knots and random curls haha! :)

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